Recipe: Yum-Yum Homemade Breaded spicy chicken fillet burger

Cooking is an art, yes that expression is a technique of describing how much exciting this task is. Especially if we cook for our adored ones. Welcome to our recipe page, If you're looking for new recipes to try this weekend, look no further! We provide you only the best Homemade Breaded spicy chicken fillet burger recipe here. And do not worry, you could also uncover several varieties of meals recipes here.

Homemade Breaded spicy chicken fillet burger

Before you jump to Homemade Breaded spicy chicken fillet burger recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Easy Ways to Get Healthy. Below are some hints for natural and organic living that you can motivate with your family.

We all know that, in order to really be healthful, nutritious and balanced diets are important as are good amounts of exercise. The worst part is that, at the end of the day, we don't always have the time or energy required for a healthy lifestyle. Going to the gym isn't something people decide to do when they get off from work. A delicious, grease laden burger is usually our food of choice and not a crunchy green salad (unless we are vegetarians). You will be pleased to discover that getting healthy doesn't have to be hard. If you are diligent you'll get all of the activity and healthy food you need. Here are some basic ways to get healthy.

Water is the very best drinks out there. Having a soda or a cup of coffee every now and then isn’t a horrible idea. Using them for your only source of hydration, conversely, is dumb. When you decide on water more than other beverages you are helping your body stay very healthful and hydrated. You’re also cutting hundreds of calories away from your diet— without having to resort to terrible tasting diet food. Water is typically one of the keys to really slimming down and becoming really healthy.

There are plenty of things you can pursue to become healthy. Not all of them demand fancy gym memberships or restrained diets. Little things, when done each day, can do a lot to make it easier to get healthy and lose pounds. Make sensible choices every day is a great start. A suitable amount of physical activity each day is also necessary. The numbers on the scale aren't the only indicator of your healthfulness. It’s about making your body as strong as it can be.

Hopefully the above article opens our horizons to pay more cognizance to a healthy lifestyle. Now we go back to the homemade breaded spicy chicken fillet burger recipe of your choice. Comply with the bit by bit instructions of the recipe homemade breaded spicy chicken fillet burger recipe to supply a healthy and scrumptious meal. To make homemade breaded spicy chicken fillet burger you only need 10 ingredients and 4 steps.. Comfortable cooking, hope it is useful for you and your family.

The ingredients needed to prepare Homemade Breaded spicy chicken fillet burger:

  1. Get of Chicken breast.
  2. Get 2 Tbsp of plain flour.
  3. Provide 1 of egg.
  4. Take 3 Tbsp of breadcrumb.
  5. Prepare of Salt.
  6. Get 1 Tbsp of Cajun spice.
  7. Provide of Oil.
  8. Take Handful of Lettuce.
  9. You need of 🥒 3-4 slices of cucumber.
  10. You need 3 slices of tomato 🍅.

Instructions to make Homemade Breaded spicy chicken fillet burger:

  1. Firstly, preheat the Oven to 180 degree then butterfly the chicken breast. Dust it with season flour dip in the egg wash and cover it breadcrumb..
  2. Place the pan on the gas. Heat up little oil(shallow fry). Put the breaded chicken breast in the oil. Cook it both sides till it get into golden brown in colour..
  3. Place the chicken breast in to baking tray, put it in the oven and cook it for further 5-8 mins. In the mean time, cut the lettuce, cucumber and tomato in to thin slices. Toast the burger bun and build it up the salad and chicken breast once it’s reaches 75 degree in temperature. (use cooking prob).
  4. Enjoy with any choice of your Dip..

Please share this Homemade Breaded spicy chicken fillet burger recipe with your mates and family. Hopefully this recipe is helpful for numerous people and we are able to always supply the best.
