Easiest Way to Prepare Perfect Cheeseburger Soup

Cooking is an art, yes that expression is a technique of describing how a lot exciting this job is. Particularly if we cook dinner for our loved ones. Welcome to my recipe page, if you're looking for Cheeseburger Soup recipe, look no further! We provide you only the best Cheeseburger Soup recipe here. And don't worry, you could also find countless varieties of meals recipes here.

Cheeseburger Soup

Before you jump to Cheeseburger Soup recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about The Simple Ways to Be Healthy. Below are some hints for healthy residing that you may encourage together with your family.

We all understand that, in order to really be healthy, nutritious and balanced diets are important as are good amounts of exercise. However, we do not always have the time or the energy that this type of lifestyle requires. At the end of the day, the majority of us want to go home, not to the gym. People crave sweets and salts, not veggies (unless they are vegetarians). The good news is that making wise decisions doesn’t have to be a pain. If you are diligent you'll get all of the activity and healthy food you need. Here are some tips to be as healthy as possible.

Pick water over other products. Having a soda or a cup of coffee every once in a while isn’t a bad idea. Using them for your only source of hydration, on the other hand, is dumb. When you pick out water over other beverages you are helping your body stay very healthy and hydrated. You’re also cutting hundreds of calories away from your diet— without having to deal with terrible tasting diet food. Water is often the key to successful weight-loss and healthfulness.

There are all sorts of activities that you can do to get healthy. An costly gym membership and very hard to stick to diets are not the only way to do it. It is the little things you choose each day that really help you with weight loss and getting healthy. Make smart choices every day is a great start. Getting as much exercise as possible is another factor. The numbers on the scale aren't the only indicator of your lifestyle choices. You want your body to be strong too.

Hopefully the above article opens our horizons to pay more recognition to a natural and organic lifestyle. Now we return to the cheeseburger soup recipe of your choice. Comply with the little by little instructions of the recipe cheeseburger soup recipe to produce a healthy and delicious meal. To cook cheeseburger soup you need 17 ingredients and 4 steps.. Comfortable cooking, hope it is useful for you and your family.

The ingredients needed to make Cheeseburger Soup:

  1. Provide 1 tbsp. of olive oil.
  2. Take 1 lb. of ground beef (or ground turkey).
  3. Get 2 tbsp. of unsalted butter.
  4. Provide 1/2 of yellow onion, diced.
  5. Take 1 of large carrot, peeled and shredded.
  6. Provide 1 stalk of celery, diced.
  7. Use 2 cloves of garlic, minced.
  8. Take 2 tbsp. of ketchup.
  9. Use 1 tbsp. of mustard.
  10. You need 1 tbsp. of Worcestershire sauce.
  11. You need 2 tbsp. of all purpose flour.
  12. Use 1 tsp. of dried parsley.
  13. Get 1/2 tsp. of each dried oregano, salt and pepper.
  14. You need 3 cups of unsalted chicken broth.
  15. You need 2 of large potatoes, scrubbed and diced.
  16. Take 1 cup of milk (any kind).
  17. Take 1 1/2 cup of shredded cheddar cheese.

Steps to make Cheeseburger Soup:

  1. Start by heating the oil in a large pot or Dutch oven over medium heat. Once it's hot, add the ground meat, season it lightly with salt and pepper, and cook it until it's browned throughout. Drain any excess fat, if needed, then remove the meat to a seperate plate, cover with foil and set it aside..
  2. Add the butter to the pot. Once it melts, add the onion, celery and shredded carrot. Cook, stirring often, until they begin to soften, about 5-7 minutes. Then add the garlic, ketchup, mustard and Worcestershire sauce. Cook and stir for another couple of minutes. Then sprinkle the flour over the top and cook and stir for another minute or two..
  3. Increase the heat to med-high and stir in the broth and seasonings. Let it come up to a low boil, then stir the meat back in, along with the potatoes. Reduce the heat back down to medium-low and let this simmer until the potatoes are fork tender. Then stir in the milk and the shredded cheese, stirring to incorporate and melt the cheese in..
  4. Let it come back up to temperature and taste it to see if it needs any additional seasoning. That's it! Serve it straightaway and enjoy!.

Please share this Cheeseburger Soup recipe with your mates and family. With a bit of luck this recipe is helpful for many people and we are able to always provide the best.
